Document Type : applied research
Master's Degree in Geography - Land Use Planning, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Iran
Assistant Professor of Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Iran
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Iran
Spatial inequality exists as a big problem in the regional development of Iran. Contrary to Iran's regional development policies, which are based on creating spatial justice and reducing the development gap between different regions and creating balance, some regions still suffer from a lack of basic services and facilities and inequality in their allocation. In order to create a balance and in order to form suitable and homogeneous spaces, the discussion of planning based on the purpose has been raised and the first step is to recognize the economic, social and cultural inequalities of different areas. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the inequalities of spatial justice in the rural settlements of Mahabad city with a look at land use. The library method has been used in the collection of research information, and in order to carry out the research, the spatial inequality of the villages of Mahabad city was investigated first by knowing the current situation and then by means of eight indicators. The results indicate that, according to the ability to measure justice through indicators and referring to the data and results, spatial justice has not been realized in the villages and villages of Mahabad city, and spatial justice has not been paid attention to in the distribution of services. The villages of West Makarian village are more prosperous than other villages in other villages of Mahabad city, and it should be noted that this level of prosperity is at a very low level compared to more developed villages. At the end of the research, suggestions and solutions have been presented to achieve spatial justice and eliminate spatial inequality.
Extended Abstract
The inequality in the distribution of facilities between urban and rural settlements is a significant issue that demands the attention and action of all stakeholders, including academic researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners. This issue significantly impacts the living conditions of populations residing in the cities' most vulnerable and underserved areas. Public facilities and services, such as street paving, water and sewage networks, and street lighting, are considered public goods. Reducing inequality in distributing these public goods requires properly operationalizing the concept through composite indicators. Since urban and rural public services shape the physical, social, and spatial characteristics of settlements, any injustice in their distribution can have irreparable effects on these characteristics and present serious challenges for managing these settlements. Today, the problems arising from the unequal distribution of services have become one of the most pressing issues for relevant officials, garnering attention beyond regional and local scales. International forums, particularly in developing countries, are seeking sustainable solutions to achieve excellence in spatial justice and service delivery systems for citizens and residents in various settlements. In this context, spatial justice is the primary approach and perspective for analyzing the equitable distribution of services among settlements. It also represents the intersection of space and social justice, encompassing the fair distribution of valuable resources and opportunities within society. Achieving social justice in different human settlements can increase the satisfaction of residents with their living conditions and contribute significantly to political stability and national authority. From a geographical perspective, social justice in various settlements is synonymous with the equitable spatial distribution of facilities and services, ensuring equal access for all citizens. The absence of such fair distribution can lead to social crises and complex spatial problems. Studying inequalities in geographical areas is a fundamental task for planning and reforms aimed at ensuring economic and social growth. Many development theorists, such as Myrdal and Todaro, emphasize the reduction of inequality and the elimination of economic and social disparities as fundamental development goals. The primary objective of the present study is to examine the spatial distribution patterns of the villages in Mahabad city, focusing on spatial justice indicators. Throughout the research, an effort will be made to answer the main question: "What is the pattern of spatial distribution (spatial justice) of various services in the rural settlements of Mahabad city?"
Given that this study investigates and analyzes spatial justice inequalities in rural settlements in Mahabad city and that its results can be utilized in the executive sector, it is categorized as applied research in terms of its purpose. Additionally, based on its nature and methodology, the present study employs a data collection method that involves gathering information through documents. The required documentary information was collected and utilized through library studies and internet searches. Therefore, this research can be considered a descriptive-library study. Overall, the present study is descriptive-analytical in terms of its practical purpose and descriptive in terms of the method of collecting information. The data collection method for this research includes library studies and documents, such as statistics and information needed for rural settlements based on the latest census of population and housing (2015). Books and articles were used to gather library information and to supplement the obtained information; necessary data were collected in the form of digital maps and tables by referring to relevant organizations and conducting document reviews. The research findings are presented in the form of maps and tables. This study used spatial statistical methods and models to analyze the data.
Results and Discussion
The results indicate that, based on the ability to measure justice through indicators and the data obtained, spatial justice has not been achieved in the villages and rural districts of Mahabad city. There has been insufficient attention to spatial justice in the distribution of services. Among the villages, those in the western Makarian area are more prosperous than other villages in Mahabad city. However, it is important to note that this level of prosperity is still very low compared to more developed villages.
In this study, Moran's model was used to investigate the spatial distribution pattern of the villages in Mahabad city with respect to spatial justice indicators. It is important to note that indicators related to education, health, politics, culture, religion, water and electricity, commerce, and communication were used to examine distributional justice. According to Moran's statistics, the distribution of all the investigated indicators among the studied villages is clustered. The results show that villages in the northern part of the city (e.g., West Makarian) have a more favorable situation in terms of the studied indicators, while villages in the southern part of the city (e.g., Kani Bazar and Eastern Mangur) face less favorable conditions.The data obtained from Moran's model reveal a strong spatial duality in Mahabad city’s villages, highlighting a significant disparity between underprivileged and underdeveloped areas. To address this duality and reduce extreme spatial inequality, it is essential to implement comprehensive development programs. These programs should focus on assessing differences, determining levels of access, and enhancing the overall development position of the villages. A thorough approach to land development and equalization efforts is necessary to improve the situation in the underdeveloped areas of Mahabad city.
Financial sponsor
According to the responsible author, this article has no financial sponsor.
Contribution of the authors to the research
First author: writing the introduction, reviewing the literature and research records, final review of the article, data analysis, and compilation of findings and conclusions.
Second author: Supervisor A
Third author: Supervisor B
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest in writing or publishing this article.
Appreciation and thanks
The authors of this article express their sincere gratitude to all those who helped and assisted the authors in conducting this research.
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